Founded in 2020

A Frugal Doctor is a personal finance and investing blog.

I started this blog at the end of 2020. 2020 has certainly been a memorable year. Global pandemic, market volatility, contested election, just to name a few major events. Unfortunately, many people lost their jobs and livelihoods this year, and tragically, some lost their lives too.

From a financial perspective, 2020 drove home the importance of financial independence. Gainful employment is a blessing, but never a guarantee. I firmly believe that I should do everything in my power to achieve financial independence while I still have the ability to.

To this end, I’ve done a lot of research on personal finance and investing for retirement. I’ve extensively studied the financial independence, retire early (FIRE) movement and embraced the elements of FIRE that makes the most sense to me. I decided to start this blog to explore additional finance topics and provide updates on my journey to financial independence. I hope you enjoy the content and find it helpful.

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